Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Trip to the Gateway

We went with some friends to the Gateway to see the Elephant Walk. Then we went to the Children's Museum, along with 7 billion other people, to stand in line for cotton candy, balloon animals, balloons, and popcorn. Then, we went to Jason's Deli. That's when the fun really began.

Nicholas was proud of his ice cream cone. It was three times as large as anyone else's. Not to be outdone, Cassidy (here's a little side note, the friend I went with, her kids are the exact same age as mine, which is perfect, except for one little flaw, and that is the oldest is a girl, not a boy--and we're never sure if Nicholas and this girl like each other, or hate each other--it's very unclear even under deep and close scrutiny and discussion) anyway, not to be outdone, Cassidy made herself an even bigger ice cream cone.

Sadly, it was a little too big and too wobbly, and shortly thereafter it ended up in Nicholas' chili. He would not eat the chili after this, even though I offered to scoop out all of the ice cream.

Emily and her friend, Lindy.

Cassidy, Maddie, and Lillie

We ended the afternoon with a super fun run through the fountain. You can see for yourself that it was super fun by looking at Maddie's exuberant pose.


Siri said...

Gotta love Maddie's exuberant poses! But why do I get the feeling your street is having more fun than my street? You guys have the cutest kids EVER!! Also, I was hoping you were saving Nicholas for Aliya!

Cindy said...

Good job on Emily's hair! You guys alway have so much fun.

Jordan said...

Nicholas turned down ice cream chili?!? I LOVE ice cream chili!!! His loss.