Emily wanted to see the bears on your blog AGAIN, and while we were looking at them Emily said, "Mom, you ought to write a quick letter to Cindy telling her I will be very disappointed if she does not come out in May because I have been looking forward to it for weeks, not to mention she better take this opportunity to meet her little nephew James before he moves to Texas; what if she never has another chance to see him AGAIN, Mom, what if Cindy comes out for Thanksgiving and Jordan comes out for Christmas and then Cindy comes out for President's Day but Jordan comes out for International Sloth Day? What will happen then, Mom, when they never, ever get to meet each other and all because Cindy gave up a free trip to Utah to see me and her new, sweet nephew? Oh, she will never forgive herself when you're his favorite aunt and I have forgotten that she even exists, thinking that her blog is really just a work of fiction and not based on actual people! It makes me terribly sad, I can't even sleep at night because of it, and you really should write to her quickly."
Let's see, I guess Emily already covered everything.
That little Emily is one smart cookie. I hade no idea two year olds could talk so well!
WHERE'S THE COMMENT THAT SAYS "Of course I'm coming out to see you guys in May! OF COURSE!"
Two-year olds cannot talk that well Cindy. Emily, however, who is now 21 and happily attending BYU, can.
I think the point has been proven that you are a little behind regarding the family situation here in Utah. It's time to come back, Cindy and David.
Come back.
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