Friday, Maddie did a beautiful job dancing at The Browning Center. I was hoping to get a better video than the one I posted Friday (it was short because instead of hitting record I accidentally turned the camera off, and then, you know, by the time I got over the shock and got it started again...) but I forgot about that small detail--NO photography of ANY KIND during the performance. And yes, that includes videos, I asked. So I do not have a better video or any pictures of Maddie in her darling blue, flowing costume.
The CDT performance of the Dream Stealer was incredible! Emily, Maddie and even Nicholas loved the whole thing. My favorite part was when the dark forest (kids with huge branches somehow strapped to their wrists) danced around the stage; it was very scary. Maddie and Nicholas's favorite part was the end, when all the dreams held their sparkling, lighted hands up in the air. Better than a movie any day, I say!