Raising chickens has been pretty simple until last Saturday when Darren and Mike noticed that one of our chickens was limping. It looked like the chicken had caught its foot on something on one of its wanderings and then the other chickens had pecked it. It wasn't pretty and the truth is that the following was not my idea. My idea was to scoot the chicken under the fence at the Ogden Nature Center and wash my hands of it. (Not nice, you say?) Well, Darren said, "No." So this is what we did:
First, a disclaimer here that we did not know our pictures would be taken. Our neighbor snapped most of these from her back porch. This whole episode really should have gone undocumented. And let's just get our laughs over now about my fashionable attire. Ha, ha. Okay--
Darren preparing the chicken and us with a little pep talk about what was about to come--an Epsom salt soak for her hurt foot.

I, though, being the one splashed with water when she did not agree.

Maybe it's not so bad.

Darren making a fashionable red cast out of gauze and duct tape.

The finished product. Today, the cast is still on and she's walking much better. A success? We'll see.
So, the question is, is this weird, or what? Would you toss the chicken, or try to save it?
I thought you were going to do something much more dramatic with that chicken. And just to let you know I have no idea what webkinz are? I don't know now if I should or should not look into it.
"Toss" the chicken? Tiffany, I never envisioned you as one to be so heartless and cruel to farm animals. This is a new side of you. SAVE THE CHICKENS!
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