Monday, October 12, 2009

So I do have a blog. Huh.


Jordan said...

Is this your attempt to determine whether people still check your blog even though you haven't posted anything for 7 MONTHS?

Isn't it enough that your dear brother dreams of the day he will again see a substantive post on his big sister's previously prolific blog?

Do it for your family in Texas and Alaska who enjoy your (once) frequent postings.

Come back, Tiffany. Return to your roots and BLOG!!!

Jordan said...

Look, another comment! Wow, people really want to see some pictures!

Jordan said...

Here, here! I vote for pictures AND words! Pictures AND words would make for a fine post worth posting indeed!

Jordan said...

You should really give me comment privileges without having to type the word verification.

If it weren't for that word verification line gettin' in my way all the time I could post MILLIONS of comments per hour. Wouldn't you like that Tiffany...MILLIONS per hour?

Jordan said...

Alas, for now I sacrifice my precious time typing such outlandish words as "enesh" that do nothing to build my vocabularic capacity.

Know that I do it for you, Tiffany.

Jordan said...

Zelimo videti nekaj o tebi in tvoji druzini!

Jordan said...

Holy Guacamole! Did you see the post above this one, Tiffany? Even the international community is beggin' for more!

Appease the people, give them what they want!

Natasha said... might want to make sure to use Google Translate to translate that Slovenian comment...otherwise you'll run into some jibberish.

Natasha said...

So Jordan and I found my initial response to learning from Jordan that you had posted quite amusing considering the content of your post. My response was: "Tiffany has a blog?" :) We really would just love to hear about your lives once again. I'm sure James would love to see up-to-date pictures of the aunt, uncle, and cousins he so loves as well.

Cindy said...

Tiffany is alive. Yeah! I came to your website to get your email and you actually have a post! I wanted to email you and Jordan this video. really silly, but funny.

Cindy said...

I checked my long dead blog, and NOPE, no encouragement from Jordan to continue posting. I guess we know who his favorite sister is.

Siri said...

Hello ... hello. I miss you! Come back. =)